Chapter 19 Boosting

Boosting is another ensemble model, created in the form of

\[F_T(x) = \sum_{t = 1}^T \alpha_t f_t(x)\]

However, it is different from random forest, in which each \(f_t(x)\) is learned parallelly. These \(f_t(x)\)’s are called weak learners and are constructed sequentially, with coefficients \(\alpha_t\)’s to represent their weights. The most classical model, AdaBoost was proposed by Freund and Schapire (1997) for classification problems, and a more statically view of this type of model called gradient boosting machines (J. H. Friedman 2001) can handle any loss function we commonly use. We will first introduce AdaBoost and then discuss gradient boosting.

19.1 AdaBoost

Following our common notation, we observe a set of data \(\{\mathbf{x}_i, y_i\}_{i=1}^n\). Similar to SVM, we code \(y_i\)s as \(-1\) or \(1\). The AdaBoost works by creating \(F_T(x)\) sequentially and use \(\text{sign}(F_T(x))\) as the classification rule. The algorithm is given in the following:

  • Initiate weights \(w_i^{(1)} = 1/n\), for \(i = 1, \ldots, n\)
  • For \(t = 1, \ldots, T\), do
    • Fit a classifier \(f_t(x)\) to the training data with subject weights \(w_i^{(t)}\)’s.
    • Compute the weighed error rate \[\epsilon_t = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i^{(t)} \mathbf{1}\{y_i \neq f_t(x_i) \}\]
    • Compute \[\alpha_t = \frac{1}{2} \log \frac{1 - \epsilon_t}{\epsilon_t}\]
    • Update subject weights \[w_i^{(t + 1)} = \frac{1}{Z_t} w_i^{(t)} \exp\big\{ - \alpha_t y_i f_t(x_i) \big\}\] where \(Z_t\) is a normalizing constant make \(w_i^{(t + 1)}\)’s sum up to 1: \[Z_t = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i^{(t)} \exp\big\{ - \alpha_t y_i f_t(x_i) \big\}\]
  • Output the final model \[F_T(x) = \sum_{t = 1}^T \alpha_t f_t(x)\] and the decision rule is \(\text{sign}(F_T(x))\).

An important mechanism in AdaBoost is the weight update step. We can notice that the weight is increased if \(\exp\big\{ - \alpha_t y_i f_t(x_i) \big\}\) is larger than 1. This is simply when \(y_i f_t(x_i)\) is negative, i.e., subject \(i\) got mis-classified by \(f_t\) at this iteration. Hence, during the next iteration \(t+1\), the model \(f_{(t+1)}\) will more likely to address this subject. Here, \(f_t\) can be any classification model, for example, we could use a tree model. The following figures demonstrate this idea of updating weights and aggregate the learners.

  x1 = seq(0.1, 1, 0.1)
  x2 = c(0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.6, 0.7,
         0.8, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.2)
  # the data
  y = c(1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 
        1, -1, 1, -1, -1)
  X = cbind("x1" = x1, "x2" = x2)
  xgrid = expand.grid("x1" = seq(0, 1.1, 0.01), "x2" = seq(0, 0.9, 0.01))
  # plot data
  plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ifelse(y > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"),
       pch = ifelse(y > 0, 4, 1), xlim = c(0, 1.1), lwd = 3,
       ylim = c(0, 0.9), cex = 3)
  # fit gbm with 3 trees
## Loaded gbm = gbm(y ~., data.frame(x1, x2, y= as.numeric(y == 1)), 
                distribution="adaboost", interaction.depth = 1, 
                n.minobsinnode = 1, n.trees = 3, 
                shrinkage = 1, bag.fraction = 1)
  # you may peek into each tree
  pretty.gbm.tree(, i.tree = 1)
##   SplitVar SplitCodePred LeftNode RightNode MissingNode ErrorReduction Weight Prediction
## 0        0          0.25        1         2           3            2.5     10       0.00
## 1       -1          1.00       -1        -1          -1            0.0      2       1.00
## 2       -1         -0.25       -1        -1          -1            0.0      8      -0.25
## 3       -1          0.00       -1        -1          -1            0.0     10       0.00
  # we can view the predicted decision rule
  plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ifelse(y > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"),
       pch = ifelse(y > 0, 4, 1), xlim = c(0, 1.1), lwd = 3,
       ylim = c(0, 0.9), cex = 3)
  pred = predict(, xgrid)
## Using 3 trees...
  points(xgrid, col = ifelse(pred > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"), 
         cex = 0.2)

Here is a rundown of the algorithm. Let’s initialize all weights as \(1/n\). We only used trees with a single split as weak learners. The first tree is splitting at \(X_1 = 0.25\). After the first split, we need to adjust the weights.

  w1 = rep(1/10, 10)
  f1 <- function(x) ifelse(x[, 1] < 0.25, 1, -1)
  e1 = sum(w1*(f1(X) != y))
  a1 = 0.5*log((1-e1)/e1)
  w2 = w1*exp(- a1*y*f1(X))
  w2 = w2/sum(w2)
  # the first tree
  plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ifelse(y > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"),
       pch = ifelse(y > 0, 4, 1), xlim = c(0, 1.1), lwd = 3,
       ylim = c(0, 0.9), cex = 3)
  pred = f1(xgrid)
  points(xgrid, col = ifelse(pred > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"), 
         cex = 0.2)
  # weights after the first tree
  plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ifelse(y > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"),
       pch = ifelse(y > 0, 4, 1), xlim = c(0, 1.1), lwd = 3,
       ylim = c(0, 0.9), cex = 30*w2)

We can notice that the observations got correctly classified will decrease their weights while those mis-classified will increase the weights.

  f2 <- function(x) ifelse(x[, 2] > 0.65, 1, -1)
  e2 = sum(w2*(f2(X) != y))
  a2 = 0.5*log((1-e2)/e2)
  w3 = w2*exp(- a2*y*f2(X))
  w3 = w3/sum(w3)
  # the second tree
  plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ifelse(y > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"),
       pch = ifelse(y > 0, 4, 1), xlim = c(0, 1.1), lwd = 3,
       ylim = c(0, 0.9), cex = 30*w2)
  pred = f2(xgrid)
  points(xgrid, col = ifelse(pred > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"), 
         cex = 0.2)
  # weights after the second tree
  plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ifelse(y > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"),
       pch = ifelse(y > 0, 4, 1), xlim = c(0, 1.1), lwd = 3,
       ylim = c(0, 0.9), cex = 30*w3)

And then we have the third step. Combining all three steps and their decision function, we have the final classifier

\[\begin{align} F_3(x) =& \sum_{t=1}^3 \alpha_t f_t(x) \nonumber \\ =& 0.4236 \cdot f_1(x) + 0.6496 \cdot f_2(x) + 0.9229 \cdot f_3(x) \end{align}\]

  f3 <- function(x) ifelse(x[, 1] < 0.85, 1, -1)
  e3 = sum(w3*(f3(X) != y))
  a3 = 0.5*log((1-e3)/e3)
  # the third tree
  plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ifelse(y > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"),
       pch = ifelse(y > 0, 4, 1), xlim = c(0, 1.1), lwd = 3,
       ylim = c(0, 0.9), cex = 30*w3)
  pred = f3(xgrid)
  points(xgrid, col = ifelse(pred > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"), 
         cex = 0.2)
  # the final decision rule 
  plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = ifelse(y > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"),
       pch = ifelse(y > 0, 4, 1), xlim = c(0, 1.1), lwd = 3,
       ylim = c(0, 0.9), cex = 3)
  pred = a1*f1(xgrid) + a2*f2(xgrid) + a3*f3(xgrid)
  points(xgrid, col = ifelse(pred > 0, "deepskyblue", "darkorange"), 
         cex = 0.2)
  abline(v = 0.25) # f1
  abline(h = 0.65) # f2
  abline(v = 0.85) # f3

19.2 Training Error of AdaBoost

There is an interesting property about the boosting algorithm that if we can always find a classifier that performs better than random guessing at each iteration \(t\), then the training error will eventually converge to zero. This works by analyzing the weight after the last iteration \(T\):

\[\begin{align} w_i^{(T+1)} =& \frac{1}{Z_T} w_i^{(T)} \exp\big\{ - \alpha_t y_i f_t(x_i) \big\} \nonumber \\ =& \frac{1}{Z_1\cdots Z_T} w_i^{(1)} \prod_{t = 1}^T \exp\big\{ - \alpha_t y_i f_t(x_i) \big\} \nonumber \\ =& \frac{1}{Z_1\cdots Z_T} \frac{1}{n} \exp\Big\{ - y_i \sum_{t = 1}^T \alpha_t f_t(x_i) \Big\} \end{align}\]

Since \(\sum_{t = 1}^T \alpha_t f_t(x_i)\) is just the model at the \(T\)-th iteration, we can write it as \(F_T(x_i)\). Noticing that they sum up to 1, we have

\[1 = \sum_{i = 1}^n w_i^{(T+1)} = \frac{1}{Z_1\cdots Z_T} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n \exp\big\{ - y_i F_T(x_i) \big\}\] and \[Z_1\cdots Z_T = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n \exp\big\{ - y_i F_T(x_i) \big\}\] On the right-hand-side, this is the exponential loss after we fit the model. In fact, this quantity would bound above the 0/1 loss, since the exponential loss is \(\exp[ - y f(x) ]\),

  • For correctly classified subjects, \(y f(x) > 0\), and \(\exp[ - y f(x) ] > 0\)
  • For incorrectly classified subjects, \(y f(x) < 0\) the exponential loss is larger than 1

This means that

\[Z_1\cdots Z_T > \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n \mathbf{1} \big\{ y_i \neq \text{sign}(F_T(x_i)) \big\}\] Hence, if we want the final model to have low training error, we should bound above the \(Z_t\)’s. Recall that \(Z_t\) is used to normalize the weights, we have

\[Z_t = \sum_i^{n} w_i^{(t)} \exp[ - \alpha_t y_i f_t(x_i) ].\] We have two cases at this iteration, \(y_i f(x_i) = 1\) for correct subjects, and \(y_i f(x_i) = -1\) for the incorrect ones, hence, By our definition, \(\epsilon_t = \sum_i w_i^{(t)} \mathbf{1} \big\{ y_i \neq f_t(x_i) \big\}\) is the proportion of weights for mis-classified samples. \[\begin{align} Z_t =& \,\,\sum_{i=1}^n w_i^{(t)} \exp[ - \alpha_t y_i f_t(x_i)] \nonumber\\ =&\,\,\sum_{y_i = f_t(x_i)} w_i^{(t)} \exp[ - \alpha_t ] + \sum_{y_i \neq f_t(x_i)} w_i^{(t)} \exp[ \alpha_t ] \nonumber\\ =& \,\, \exp[ - \alpha_t ] \sum_{y_i = f_t(x_i)} w_i^{(t)} + \exp[ \alpha_t ] \sum_{y_i \neq f_t(x_i)} w_i^{(t)} \end{align}\]

So we have

\[ Z_t = (1 - \epsilon_t) \exp[ - \alpha_t ] + \epsilon_t \exp[ \alpha_t ].\]

If we want to minimize the product of all \(Z_t\)’s, we can consider minimizing each of them. Let’s consider this as a function of \(\alpha_t\), then by taking a derivative with respect to \(\alpha_t\), we have

\[ - (1 - \epsilon_t) \exp[ - \alpha_t ] + \epsilon_t \exp[ \alpha_t ] = 0\] and

\[\alpha_t = \frac{1}{2} \log \frac{1 - \epsilon_t}{\epsilon_t}.\] Plugging this back into \(Z_t\), we have

\[Z_t = 2 \sqrt{\epsilon_t(1-\epsilon_t)}\] Since \(\epsilon_t(1-\epsilon_t)\) can only attain maximum of \(1/4\), \(Z_t\) must be smaller than 1. This makes the product \(Z_1 \cdots Z_T\) converging to 0. If we look at this more closely, by defining \(\gamma_t = \frac{1}{2} - \epsilon_t\) as the improvement from a random model (with error \(1/2\)), then

\[\begin{align} Z_t =& 2 \sqrt{\epsilon_t(1-\epsilon_t)} \nonumber \\ =& \sqrt{1 - 4 \gamma_t^2} \nonumber \\ \leq& \exp\big[ - 2 \gamma_t^2 \big] \end{align}\]

The last equation is because by Taylor expansion, \(\exp\big[ - 4 \gamma_t^2 \big] \geq 1 - 4 \gamma_t^2\). Then, we can finally put all \(Z_t\)’s together:

\[\begin{align} \text{Training Error} =& \sum_{i = 1}^n \mathbf{1} \big\{ y_i \neq \text{sign}(F_T(x_i)) \big\} \nonumber \\ =& \sum_{i = 1}^n \exp \big[ - y_i \neq F_T(x_i) \big] \nonumber \\ =& Z_1 \cdots Z_T \nonumber \\ \leq& \exp \big[ - 2 \sum_{t=1}^T \gamma_t^2 \big], \end{align}\]

which converges to 0 as long as \(\sum_{t=1}^T \gamma_t^2\) accumulates up to infinite. But of course, in practice, it would increasing difficult find \(f_t(x)\) that reduces the training error greatly.

19.3 Tuning the Number of Trees

Although we can get really low training classification error, this is subject to overfitting. The following code demonstrates what an overfitted looks like.

  # One-dimensional classification example
  n = 1000; set.seed(1)
  x = cbind(seq(0, 1, length.out = n), runif(n))
  py = (sin(4*pi*x[, 1]) + 1)/2
  y = rbinom(n, 1, py)
  plot(x[, 1], y + runif(n, -0.05, 0.05), pch = 19, ylim = c(-0.05, 1.05), cex = 0.5,
       col = ifelse(y==1,"darkorange", "deepskyblue"), xlab = "x", ylab = "P(Y=1 | X=x)")
  points(x[, 1], py, type = "l", lwd = 3)

  # fit AdaBoost with bootstrapping, I am using a large shrinkage factor = gbm(y~., data.frame(x, y), distribution="adaboost", n.minobsinnode = 2, 
                n.trees=200, shrinkage = 1, bag.fraction=0.8, cv.folds = 10)
  # plot the decision function (Fx, not sign(Fx))
  size=c(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100)

  for(i in 1:6)
    plot(x[, 1], py, type = "l", lwd = 3, ylab = "P(Y=1 | X=x)", col = "gray")
    points(x[, 1], y + runif(n, -0.05, 0.05), pch = 19, cex = 0.5, ylim =c(-0.05, 1.05),
           col = ifelse(y==1, "darkorange", "deepskyblue"))
    Fx = predict(, n.trees=size[i]) # this returns the fitted function, but not class
    lines(x[, 1], 1/(1+exp(-2*Fx)), lwd = 1)
    title(paste("# of Iterations = ", size[i]))

Hence, selecting trees is necessary. For this purpose, we can use either the out-of-bag error to estimate the exponential upper bound, or simply do cross-validation.

  # get the best number of trees from cross-validation (or oob if no cv is used)

## [1] 39

19.4 Gradient Boosting

Let’s take an alternative view of this problem, we use an additive structure to fit models

\[F_T(x) = \sum_{t = 1}^T \alpha_t f(x; \boldsymbol{\theta}_t)\]

by minimizing a loss function

\[\underset{\{\alpha_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}_t\}_{t=1}^T}{\min} \sum_{i=1}^n L\big(y_i, F_T(x_i)\big)\] In this framework, we may choose a loss function \(L\) that is suitable for the problem, and also choose the base learner \(f(x; \boldsymbol{\theta})\) with parameter \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\). Examples of this include linear function, spline, tree, etc.. While it maybe difficult to minimize over all parameters \(\{\alpha_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}_t\}_{t=1}^T\), we may consider doing this in a stage-wise fashion. The algorithm could work in the following way:

  • Set \(F_0(x) = 0\)
  • For \(t = 1, \ldots, T\)
    • Choose \((\alpha_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}_t)\) to minimize the loss \[\underset{\alpha, \boldsymbol{\theta}}{\min} \,\, \sum_{i=1}^n L\big(y_i, F_{t-1}(x_i) + \alpha f(x_i; \boldsymbol{\theta})\big)\]
    • Update \(F_t(x) = F_{t-1}(x) + \alpha_t f(x; \boldsymbol{\theta}_t)\)
  • Output \(F_T(x)\) as the final model

The previous AdaBoost example is using exponential loss function. Also, it doesn’t pick an optimal \(f(x; \boldsymbol{\theta})\) at each step. We just need a model that is better than random. The step size \(\alpha_t\) is optimized at each \(t\) given the fitted \(f(x; \boldsymbol{\theta}_t)\).

Another example is the forward stage-wise linear regression. In this case, we fit a single variable linear model at each step \(t\):

\[f(x, j) = \text{sign}\big(\text{Cor}(X_j, \mathbf{r})\big) X_j\] * \(\mathbf{r}\) is the residual, as \(r_i = y_i - F_{t-1}(x_i)\) * \(j\) is the index that has the largest absolute correlation with \(\mathbf{r}\)

Then we give a very small step size \(\alpha_t\), say, \(\alpha_t = 10^{-5}\), and with sign equal to the correlation between \(X_j\). In this case, \(F_t(x)\) is almost equivalent to the Lasso solution path, as \(t\) increases.

We may notice that \(r_i\) is in fact the negative gradient of the squared-error loss, as a function of the fitted function:

\[r_{it} = - \left[ \frac{\partial \, \big(y_i - F(x_i)\big)^2 }{\partial \, F(x_i)} \right]_{F(x_i) = F_{t-1}(x_i)}\] and we are essentially fitting a weak leaner \(f_t(x)\) to the residuals and update the fitted model \(F_t(x)\). The following example shows the result of using a tree leaner as \(f_t(x)\):


  # a simple regression problem
  p = 1
  x = seq(0, 1, 0.001)
  fx <- function(x) 2*sin(3*pi*x)
  y = fx(x) + rnorm(length(x))

  plot(x, y, pch = 19, ylab = "y", col = "gray", cex = 0.5)
  # plot the true regression line
  lines(x, fx(x), lwd = 2, col = "deepskyblue")

We can see that the fitted model progressively approaximates the true function.

  # fit regression boosting
  # I use a very large shrinkage value for demonstrating the functions
  # in practice you should use 0.1 or even smaller values for stability = gbm(y~x, data = data.frame(x, y), distribution = "gaussian",
                n.trees=300, shrinkage=0.5, bag.fraction=0.8)

  # somehow, cross-validation for 1 dimensional problem creates error
  # gbm(y ~ ., data = data.frame(x, y), cv.folds = 3) # this produces an error  
  # plot the fitted regression function at several iterations
  for(i in 1:6)
    plot(x, y, pch = 19, ylab = "y", col = "gray", cex = 0.5)
    lines(x, fx(x), lwd = 2, col = "deepskyblue")
    # this returns the fitted function, but not class
    Fx = predict(, n.trees=size[i])
    lines(x, Fx, lwd = 3, col = "darkorange")
    title(paste("# of Iterations = ", size[i]))

This idea can be generalized to any loss function \(L\). This is the gradient boosting model:

  • At each iteration \(t\), calculate ``pseudo-residuals’’, i.e., the negative gradient for each observation \[g_{it} = - \left[ \frac{\partial L(y_i, F(x_i))}{\partial F(x_i)} \right]_{F(x_i) = F_{t-1}(x_i)}\]
  • Fit \(f_t(x, \boldsymbol{\theta}_t)\) to pseudo-residual \(g_{it}\)’s
  • Search for the best \[\alpha_t = \underset{\alpha}{\arg\min} \sum_{i=1}^n L\big(y_i, F_{t-1}(x_i) + \alpha f(x_i; \boldsymbol{\theta}_t)\big)\]
  • Update \(F_t(x) = F_{t-1}(x) + \alpha_t f(x; \boldsymbol{\theta}_t)\)

Hence, the only change when modeling different outcomes is to choose the loss function \(L\), and derive the pseudo-residuals

  • For regression, the loss is \(\frac{1}{2} (y - f(x))^2\), and the pseudo-residual is \(y_i - f(x_i)\)
  • For quantile regression to model median, the loss is \(|y - f(x)|\), and the pseudo-residual is sign\((y_i - f(x_i))\)
  • For classification, we can use the negative log likelihood of a single observation \(- [ y\log(p) + (1-y)\log(1-p) ]\), and express \(p\) as the log-odds of a scale predictor, i.e., \(f = \log(p/(1-p))\). Then the pseudo-residual is \(y_i - p(x_i)\)


Freund, Yoav, and Robert E Schapire. 1997. “A Decision-Theoretic Generalization of on-Line Learning and an Application to Boosting.” Journal of Computer and System Sciences 55 (1): 119–39.
Friedman, Jerome H. 2001. “Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine.” Annals of Statistics, 1189–1232.