Basic Concepts

I found the best demonstration of the Self-Organizing Map algorithm is the following graph that displays it over iterations. It is available at this website:

Let’s understand this by pairing it with the algorithm. There are several different algorithms available, but one of the most popular ones is proposed by Kohonen (1982). Here, we present a SOM with a 2-dimensional output. The following are the inputs:

Now, we look at the algorithm. This is different from \(k\)-means because we do not use all the observations immediately. The algorithm works by stream-in the observations one-by-one. Whenever a new observation \(x_k\), \(k = 1, \ldots, n\) comes in, we will update the centers \(w_{ij}\)’s by the following:

After each iteration (updating with one more observation), we will decrease the value of \(\alpha\) and \(r\). In the kohonen package, the \(\alpha\) starts at 0.05, and gradually decreases to 0.01, while \(r\) is chosen to be 2/3 of all cluster means at the first iteration.

Using the kohonen package, we perform a SOM on the Handwritten Digit Recognition Data. The heatmap shows how each \(w_{ij}\) is away from it’s neighboring \(w_{ij}\)’s. The extremely bright one means that the center is quite isolated by itself.


  # Handwritten Digit Recognition Data

  # the first column is the true digit
## [1] 7291  257
  # for speed concern, I only use a few variables (pixels)
  zip.SOM <- som(zip.train[, seq(2, 257, length.out = 10)], grid = somgrid(10, 10, "rectangular"))
  plot(zip.SOM, type = "dist.neighbours")

  plot(zip.SOM, type = "mapping", pchs = 20, main = "Mapping Type SOM")

  # plot(zip.SOM, main = "Default SOM Plot")
  # you can try using all the pixels
  # zip.SOM <- som(zip.train[, 2:257], grid = somgrid(10, 10, "rectangular"))
  # plot(zip.SOM, type = "dist.neighbours")

We could also look at the class labels (digits) coming out of the SOM. Particularly the plot on the right-hand side shows the proportion of subjects with each label for the subjects in each cluster (using a pie chart).

    zip.SOM2 <- xyf(zip.train[, seq(2, 257, length.out = 10)], classvec2classmat(zip.train[, 1]),
                    grid = somgrid(10, 10, "hexagonal"), rlen = 300)
    par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
    plot(zip.SOM2, type = "codes", main = c("Codes X", "Codes Y"))
    zip.SOM2.hc <- cutree(hclust(dist(zip.SOM2$codes[[2]])), 10)
    add.cluster.boundaries(zip.SOM2, zip.SOM2.hc)