Title: Automatic Differentiation with pytorch¶
Author: Eugene Han and Ruoqing Zhu¶
Let $$f(x_1, x_2) = (\log(x_1x_2), \sin(x_2)),$$ and $$g(x_1, x_2) = x_1x_2,$$ we want to find the gradients
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import torch
def f(x):
return((torch.log(x[0] * x[1]), torch.sin(x[1])))
def g(x):
return(x[0] * x[1])
# computational graph is not recorded by default, need to set the requires_grad flag to be True
x = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.75], requires_grad=True)
y = g(f(x))
# computes the gradient of the current tensor w.r.t graph leaves
tensor([1.3633, 0.1912])
Manual Derivative Check¶
Note that $$\nabla g(f(x_1, x_2)) = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\sin(x_2)}{x_1} \\\frac{\sin(x_2)}{x_2} + \log(x_1x_2)cos(x_2)\end{bmatrix}$$
In [ ]:
dx1 = (torch.sin(x[1])/x[0]).item()
dx2 = (torch.sin(x[1])/x[1] + torch.log(x[0]*x[1])*torch.cos(x[1])).item()
print(round(dx1, 4), round(dx2, 4))
1.3633 0.1912
Numerical Differentiation (Finite differences)¶
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dx = torch.zeros(2)
dx[0] = (g(f(x + torch.tensor([1e-3, 0]))) - y)/1e-3
dx[1] = (g(f(x + torch.tensor([0, 1e-3]))) - y)/1e-3
tensor([1.3619, 0.1919], grad_fn=<CopySlices>)
Example: Use case in linear regression¶
Let's do this for a simple linear regression problem:
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import torch
from torch.nn import Parameter # Import the Parameter class
# The data function is: y = x + 10
n = 100
x_train = torch.randn(n, dtype=torch.float)
y_train = 2 + x_train + torch.randn(n, dtype=torch.float)
# Initialize Linear Regression parameters
b0 = torch.randn(1, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float)
b1 = torch.randn(1, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float)
model = [Parameter(b0), Parameter(b1)] # Correctly imported Parameter class
# Set up the optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model, lr=0.1)
# Run optimization loop
for epoch in range(500):
# Remove the grad computed in the last step
# Compute predicted value
y_predicted = model[0] + model[1] * x_train
# Calculate the loss function
# since this is the entire training set, this is effectively using the GD algorithm
loss = torch.mean((y_train - y_predicted)**2)
# Compute gradients
# Update model parameters
if epoch % 100 == 0:
print(f"Epoch {epoch}: Loss = {loss.item()}")
print("Gradient w.r.t b0:", model[0].grad)
print("Gradient w.r.t b1:", model[1].grad)
# output the final parameters
print("b0:", model[0].item())
print("b1:", model[1].item())
Epoch 0: Loss = 4.773470401763916 Gradient w.r.t b0: tensor([-2.9494]) Gradient w.r.t b1: tensor([-2.8822]) Epoch 100: Loss = 1.0072836875915527 Gradient w.r.t b0: tensor([-4.8429e-07]) Gradient w.r.t b1: tensor([3.5763e-07]) Epoch 200: Loss = 1.0072836875915527 Gradient w.r.t b0: tensor([-4.8429e-07]) Gradient w.r.t b1: tensor([3.5763e-07]) Epoch 300: Loss = 1.0072836875915527 Gradient w.r.t b0: tensor([-4.8429e-07]) Gradient w.r.t b1: tensor([3.5763e-07]) Epoch 400: Loss = 1.0072836875915527 Gradient w.r.t b0: tensor([-4.8429e-07]) Gradient w.r.t b1: tensor([3.5763e-07]) b0: 1.818988561630249 b1: 1.00831937789917