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Question 1: A Simulation Study for Random Forests [50 pts]

We learned that random forests have several key parameters and some of them are also involved in trading the bias and variance. To confirm some of our understandings, we will conduct a simulation study to investigate each of them:

  1. The terminal node size nodesize
  2. The number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split mtry
  3. The number of trees in the forest ntree

For this question, we will use the randomForest package. This package is quite slow, so you may want to try smaller amount of simulations first to make sure your code is correct.

  1. [5 pts] Generate the data using the following model:

\[ Y = X_1 + X_2 + \epsilon, \]

where the two covariates \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) are independently from standard normal distribution and \(\epsilon \sim N(0, 1)\). Generate a training set of size 200 and a test set of size 300 using this model. Fit a random forest model to the training set with the default parameters. Report the MSE on the test set.

  1. [15 pts] Let’s analyze the effect of the terminal node size nodesize. We will consider the following values for nodesize: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30. Set mtry as 1 and the bootstrap sample size as 150. For each value of nodesize, fit a random forest model to the training set and record the MSE on the test set. Then repeat this process 100 times and report (plot) the average MSE against the nodesize. Same idea of the simulation has been considered before when we worked on the KNN model. After getting the results, answer the following questions:

    • Do you think our choice of the nodesize parameter is reasonable? What is the optimal node size you obtained? If you don’t think the choice is reasonable, re-define your range of tuning and report your results and the optimal node size.
    • What is the effect of nodesize on the bias-variance trade-off?
  2. [15 pts] In this question, let’s analyze the effect of mtry. We will consider a new data generator:

\[ Y = 0.2 \times \sum_{j = 1}^5 X_j + \epsilon, \]

where we generate a total of 10 covariates independently from standard normal distribution and \(\epsilon \sim N(0, 1)\). Generate a training set of size 200 and a test set of size 300 using the model above. Fix the node size as 3, the bootstrap sample size as 150, and consider mtry to be all integers from 1 to 10. Perform the simulation study with 100 runs, report your results using a plot, and answer the following questions:

    * What is the optimal value of `mtry` you obtained?
    * What is the effect of `mtry` on the bias-variance trade-off? 
  1. [15 pts] In this question, let’s analyze the effect of ntree. We will consider the same data generator as in part (c). Fix the node size as 10, the bootstrap sample size as 150, and mtry as 3. Consider the following values for ntree: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 50. Perform the simulation study with 100 runs. For this question, we do not need to calculate the prediction of all subjects. Instead, calculate just the prediction on a target point that all the covariate values are 0. After obtaining the simulation results, calculate the variance of the random forest estimator under different ntree values (for the definition of variance of an estimator, see our previous homework on the bias-variance simulation). Comment on your findings.

Question 2: Parameter Tuning with OOB Prediction [20 pts]

We will again use the MNIST dataset. We will use the first 2600 observations of it:

  # inputs to download file
  fileLocation <- ""
  numRowsToDownload <- 2600
  localFileName <- paste0("mnist_first", numRowsToDownload, ".RData")
  # download the data and add column names
  mnist2600 <- read.csv(fileLocation, nrows = numRowsToDownload)
  numColsMnist <- dim(mnist2600)[2]
  colnames(mnist2600) <- c("Digit", paste("Pixel", seq(1:(numColsMnist - 1)), sep = ""))
  # save file
  # in the future we can read in from the local copy instead of having to redownload
  save(mnist2600, file = localFileName)

  # you can load the data with the following code
  #load(file = localFileName)
## [1] 2600  785
  1. [5 pts] Similar to what we have done before, split the data into a training set of size 1300 and a test set of the remaining data. Then keep only the digits 2, 4 and 8. After this screen the data and only keep the top 250 variables with the highest variance.

  2. [15 pts] Fit classification random forests to the training set and tune parameters mtry and nodesize. Choose 4 values for each of the parameters. Use ntree = 1000 and keep all other parameters as default. To perform the tuning, you must use the OOB prediction. Report your results for each tuning and the optimal choice. After this, use the random forest corresponds to the optimal tuning to predict the testing data, and report the confusion matrix and the accuracy.

Question 3: Using xgboost [30 pts]

  1. [20 pts] We will use the same data as in Question 2. Use the xgboost package to fit the MNIST data multi-class classification problem. You should specify the following:

    • Use multi:softmax as the objective function so that it can handle multi-class classification
    • Use num_class = 3 to specify the number of classes
    • Use gbtree as the base learner
    • Tune these parameters:
      • The learning rate eta = 0.5
      • The maximum depth of trees max_depth = 2
      • The number of trees nrounds = 100

Report the testing error rate and the confusion matrix.

  1. [10 pts] The model fits with 100 rounds (trees) sequentially. However, you can produce your prediction using just a limited number of trees. This can be controlled using the iterationrange argument in the predict() function. Plot your prediction error vs. number of trees. Comment on your results.