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. For example,
. Please note that this must be a
file. .html
cannot be accepted. Make all of your R
code chunks visible for grading..Rmd
as a template, be sure to remove this instruction
is \(\geq
4.0.0\). This will ensure your random seed generation is the same
as everyone else. Please note that updating the R
may require you to reinstall all of your packages.We will be using the first 2500 observations of the MNIST dataset. You can use the following code, or the saved data from our previous homework.
# inputs to download file
fileLocation <- ""
numRowsToDownload <- 2500
localFileName <- paste0("mnist_first", numRowsToDownload, ".RData")
# download the data and add column names
mnist <- read.csv(fileLocation, nrows = numRowsToDownload)
numColsMnist <- dim(mnist)[2]
colnames(mnist) <- c("Digit", paste("Pixel", seq(1:(numColsMnist - 1)), sep = ""))
# save file
# in the future we can read in from the local copy instead of having to redownload
save(mnist, file = localFileName)
# you can load the data with the following code
load(file = localFileName)
# construct the training and test data
train <- mnist[1:1250,]
train <- train[train$Digit == 1 | train$Digit == 7 | train$Digit == 9,]
test <- mnist[1251:2500,]
test <- test[test$Digit == 1 | test$Digit == 7| test$Digit == 9,]
# variance screening
var = apply(train[, -1], 2, var)
varuse = order(var, decreasing = TRUE)[1:300]
train = train[, c(1, varuse + 1)]
test = test[, c(1, varuse + 1)]
# get digit 1, 7, 9
digit1 = train[train$Digit == 1, -1]
digit7 = train[train$Digit == 7, -1]
digit9 = train[train$Digit == 9, -1]
# calculate the mean and covariance matrix
mu1 = colMeans(digit1)
mu7 = colMeans(digit7)
mu9 = colMeans(digit9)
digit1_centered = scale(digit1, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
digit7_centered = scale(digit7, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
digit9_centered = scale(digit9, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
# pooled covariance matrix
S = (t(digit1_centered) %*% digit1_centered +
t(digit7_centered) %*% digit7_centered +
t(digit9_centered) %*% digit9_centered) / (nrow(train) - 3)
# the prior
pi1 = nrow(digit1) / nrow(train)
pi7 = nrow(digit7) / nrow(train)
pi9 = nrow(digit9) / nrow(train)
# calculate the decision scores
test_pixel = data.matrix(test[, -1])
delta1 = rowSums(test_pixel %*% solve(S) %*% as.matrix(mu1)) +
as.numeric(- 0.5 * t(mu1) %*% solve(S) %*% mu1 + log(pi1))
delta7 = rowSums(test_pixel %*% solve(S) %*% as.matrix(mu7)) +
as.numeric(- 0.5 * t(mu7) %*% solve(S) %*% mu7 + log(pi7))
delta9 = rowSums(test_pixel %*% solve(S) %*% as.matrix(mu9)) +
as.numeric(- 0.5 * t(mu9) %*% solve(S) %*% mu9 + log(pi9))
# predict the class label
pred = c(1, 7, 9)[apply(cbind(delta1, delta7, delta9), 1, which.max)]
conf_tab = table(pred, test[, 1])
## pred 1 7 9
## 1 125 3 2
## 7 2 111 21
## 9 1 12 97
# prediction accuracy
## [1] 0.8903743
function from MASS package to
fit LDA. Report the accuracy and the confusion matrix based on the
testing data. Compare your results with part b.Solution:
Digit.lda<-lda(Digit~., data=train)
pred.lda <- predict(Digit.lda, newdata=test)
# confusion matrix
conf_tab <- table(pred.lda$class, test$Digit)
## 1 7 9
## 1 125 3 2
## 7 2 111 21
## 9 1 12 97
# testing accuracy
## [1] 0.8903743
function from MASS package to
fit QDA. Does the code work directly? Why? If you are asked to modify
your own code to perform QDA, what would you do? Discuss this issue and
provide mathematical reasoning (in latex if needed) of your solution.
You do not need to implement that with code.Solution:
Digit.qda<-qda(Digit~., data=train)
pred.qda <- predict(Digit.qda, newdata=test)
table(pred.qda$class, test$Digit)
So the code does not work because there are not enough observations to support the inverse of the covariance matrix with 300 variables. There are several possible ways to address this:
Load data Carseats
from the ISLR
Use the following code to define the training and test sets.
# load library
# load data
# set seed
# number of rows in entire dataset
n_Carseats <- dim(Carseats)[1]
# training set parameters
train_percentage <- 0.75
train_size <- floor(train_percentage*n_Carseats)
train_indices <- sample(x = 1:n_Carseats, size = train_size)
# separate dataset into train and test
train_Carseats <- Carseats[train_indices,]
test_Carseats <- Carseats[-train_indices,]
using a
regression tree. Load the library rpart
. Fit a regression
tree to the training set using the rpart()
function, all
hyperparameter arguments should be left as default. Load the library
. Plot the tree using the prp()
function. Based on this model, what type of observations has the highest
or lowest sales? Predict using the tree onto the test set, calculate and
report the MSE on the testing data. # load library
# set seed
# set.seed(432)
# fit regression tree to training set
train_Carseats_reg_tree <- rpart(formula = Sales ~ ., data = train_Carseats)
# load library
# plot the tree
It seems like high quality of the shelving location for the car seats, a price below $110, and a competitor price above $124 gets you the highest sales.
# predict on test set and calculate mse
test_Carseats_predicted <- predict(object = train_Carseats_reg_tree,
newdata = test_Carseats)
test_Carseats_predicted_mse <- mean((test_Carseats$Sales - test_Carseats_predicted)^2)
print(paste0("The test MSE is ", test_Carseats_predicted_mse, "."))
## [1] "The test MSE is 4.5134702708434."
# set seed
# select best Cp
train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table <-$cptable)
train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table <- train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table[,c("CP", "xerror", "xstd")]
min_xerror <- min(train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table$xerror)
train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table$Cp_satisfies_cond <-
ifelse(train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table$xerror <
min_xerror + train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table$xstd,
train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table <- train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table[
train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table <- train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table[
order(train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table$CP, decreasing = TRUE),]
optimal_complexity_parameter <- train_Carseats_reg_tree_Cp_table[1, "CP"]
print(paste0("The optimal complexity parameter is ", optimal_complexity_parameter, "."))
## [1] "The optimal complexity parameter is 0.021730277228566."
# prune tree
train_Carseats_reg_tree_pruned <- prune(tree = train_Carseats_reg_tree,
cp = optimal_complexity_parameter)
# predict on test set and calculate mse
test_Carseats_predicted_pruned <- predict(object = train_Carseats_reg_tree_pruned,
newdata = test_Carseats)
test_Carseats_predicted_pruned_mse <-
mean((test_Carseats$Sales - test_Carseats_predicted_pruned)^2)
print(paste0("The test MSE is ", test_Carseats_predicted_pruned_mse, "."))
## [1] "The test MSE is 4.54356484357657."