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. For example,
. Please note that this must be a
file. .html
cannot be accepted. Make all of your R
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as a template, be sure to remove this instruction
is \(\geq
4.0.0\). This will ensure your random seed generation is the same
as everyone else. Please note that updating the R
may require you to reinstall all of your packages.In our previous homework, we only used the prediction errors to evaluate the performance of a model. Now we have learned how to break down the bias-variance trade-off theoretically, and showed some simulation ideas to validate that in class. Let’s perform a thorough investigation. For this question, we will use a simulated regression model to estimate the bias and variance, and then validate our formula. Our simulation is based on this following model:
\[ Y = \exp(\beta^T x) + \epsilon \]
where \(\beta = c(0.5, -0.5, 0)\), \(X\) is generated uniformly from \([0, 1]^3\), and \(\epsilon\) follows i.i.d. standard Gaussian. We will generate some training data and our goal is to predict a testing point at \(x_0 = c(1, -0.75, -0.7)\).
The true mean of \(Y\) at the testing point \(x_0\) is
\[ \exp(\beta^T x_0) \approx 0.852 \]
# true beta
b = c(0.5, -0.5, 0)
# testing point
x0 = c(1, -0.75, -0.7)
# true mean
f0 = exp(sum(b * x0))
## [1] 2.398875
The true mean of \(Y\) at the testing point \(x_0\) is 2.3988753.
function from the FNN
# set seed
# generate training data
n = 100
p = 3
X = matrix(runif(3 * n), ncol = 3)
Y = exp(X %*% b) + rnorm(n)
# find the closest k points
k = 21
distance = rowSums(sweep(X, 2, x0, "-")^2)
index = order(distance)[1:k]
# prediction
## [1] 1.285897
# validate that with the kknn package
library(FNN) = knn.reg(train = X, test = data.frame(x = t(x0)), y = Y, k = k, algorithm = "brute")$pred
## [1] 1.285897
The prediction is 1.2858967. This matches the result from the
# simulation
nsim = 1000
fhat = rep(NA, nsim)
for (i in 1:nsim) {
# generate training data
X = matrix(runif(3 * n), ncol = 3)
Y = exp(X %*% b) + rnorm(n)
# find the closest k points
distance = rowSums(sweep(X, 2, x0, "-")^2)
index = order(distance)[1:k]
# predicted label
fhat[i] = mean(Y[index])
# bias
bias = mean(fhat) - f0
## [1] -1.17298
The estimated bias of the KNN model for predicting \(x_0\) is -1.17298.
# variance
variance = var(fhat)
## [1] 0.04869883
The estimated variance of the KNN model for predicting \(x_0\) is 0.0486988.
Based on the bias-variance decomposition, the irreducible error is the variance of the noise term, which is 1. Based on our previous simulation, the Bias\(^2\) error is 1.375882 and the variance error is 0.0486988. Therefore, the prediction error is
# prediction error
1 + bias^2 + variance
## [1] 2.424581
# simulation
error = rep(NA, nsim)
for (i in 1:nsim) {
# generate training data
X = matrix(runif(3 * n), ncol = 3)
Y = exp(X %*% b) + rnorm(n)
# find the closest k points
distance = rowSums(sweep(X, 2, x0, "-")^2)
index = order(distance)[1:k]
# predicted label
y_pred = mean(Y[index])
# generate testing data
Y0 = exp(x0 %*% b) + rnorm(1)
# prediction error
error[i] = (Y0 - y_pred)^2
# prediction error
## [1] 2.489355
Load the library ISLR2
. From that library, load the
dataset named Default
. Set the seed to 7 again within the
chunk. Divide the dataset into a training and testing dataset. The test
dataset should contain 1000 rows, the remainder should be in the
training dataset.
# load library
# load data
# set seed
# number of rows in entire dataset
defaultNumRows <- dim(Default)[1]
defaultTestNumRows <- 1000
# separate dataset into train and test
test_idx <- sample(x = 1:defaultNumRows, size = defaultTestNumRows)
Default_train <- Default[-test_idx,]
Default_test <- Default[test_idx,]
function on the training
dataset to fit a logistic regression model for the variable
using the input variables balance
. Write a function called loglikelihood
that calculates the log-likelihood for a set of coefficients (You can
refer to the lecture notes). There are three input arguments for this
function: a vector of coefficients (beta
), input data
matrix (X
), and input class labels (Y
). The
output for this function is a numeric, the log likelihood
). Plug in the estimated coefficients from
the glm()
model and calculate the maximum log likelihood
and report it. Then, get the deviance
value directly from
the glm()
object output. What is the relationship of
deviance and maximum log likelihood?Solution:
# encode default so "No" -> and "Yes" -> 1
Default_train$default <- ifelse(Default_train$default == "Yes", 1, 0)
Default_test$default <- ifelse(Default_test$default == "Yes", 1, 0)
# fit logistic regression model for training dataset
logistic.Default <- glm(default ~ balance + income,
data = Default_train,
family = binomial(link = "logit"))
# Function Name: loglikelihood
# Function Usage: to calculate the log likelihood
# Input 1: beta, a vector of length p
# Input 2: X, a matrix of dimension n x p
# Input 3: Y, a vector of length n
# Output: output_loglik, a numeric
loglikelihood <- function(beta, X, Y){
beta <- as.matrix(beta)
Xbeta <- X %*% beta
output_loglik <- sum(Y*Xbeta - log(1 + exp(Xbeta)))
# calculate the maximum log likelihood
Default_train_X <- as.matrix(cbind(1, Default_train[, 3:4]))
Default_train_Y <- Default_train[,1]
Default_train_maximumLikelihood <- loglikelihood(beta = logistic.Default$coef,
X = Default_train_X,
Y = Default_train_Y)
print(paste0("Maximum Log Likelihood: ", Default_train_maximumLikelihood))
## [1] "Maximum Log Likelihood: -712.29808123702"
# deviance
Default_train_deviance <- logistic.Default$deviance
print(paste0("Deviance: ", Default_train_deviance))
## [1] "Deviance: 1424.59616247404"
# relationship between deviance and log likelihood
print(-2*loglikelihood(logistic.Default$coef, Default_train_X, Default_train_Y))
## [1] 1424.596
The relationship is \(\text{Deviance} = -2*\text{Maximum Log Likelihood}\).
even if they will not default), which
cutoff value should we use?Solution:
# predict the probability of default for test dataset
pred.Default <- predict(logistic.Default, newdata = Default_test[,3:4], type = "response")
# cutoff values
cutoffValues <- c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7)
numCutoffValues <- length(cutoffValues)
# loop through each cutoff value
# calculate test error, sensitivity, specificity, precision
for(i in 1:numCutoffValues){
# particular cutoff value
cutoffValueTemp <- cutoffValues[i]
print(paste0("Cutoff: ", cutoffValueTemp))
# apply cutoff
pred.Default_class1 <- ifelse(pred.Default > cutoffValueTemp, "Yes", "No")
confusionMatTemp <- table(Predicted = pred.Default_class1,
Actual = Default_test$default)
# print confusion matrix
# extract values from confusion matrix
trueNegative <- confusionMatTemp[1, 1]
falseNegative <- confusionMatTemp[1, 2]
falsePositive <- confusionMatTemp[2, 1]
truePositive <- confusionMatTemp[2, 2]
# calculate
testError <- (falseNegative + falsePositive)/defaultTestNumRows
testSensitivity <- truePositive/(truePositive + falseNegative)
testSpecificity <- trueNegative/(trueNegative + falsePositive)
testPrecision <- truePositive/(truePositive + falsePositive)
# report
print(paste0("Test Error: ", testError))
print(paste0("Test Sensitivity: ", testSensitivity))
print(paste0("Test Specificity: ", testSpecificity))
print(paste0("Test Precision: ", testPrecision, "\n"))
## [1] "Cutoff: 0.3"
## Actual
## Predicted 0 1
## No 954 14
## Yes 13 19
## [1] "Test Error: 0.027"
## [1] "Test Sensitivity: 0.575757575757576"
## [1] "Test Specificity: 0.986556359875905"
## [1] "Test Precision: 0.59375\n"
## [1] "Cutoff: 0.5"
## Actual
## Predicted 0 1
## No 963 22
## Yes 4 11
## [1] "Test Error: 0.026"
## [1] "Test Sensitivity: 0.333333333333333"
## [1] "Test Specificity: 0.995863495346432"
## [1] "Test Precision: 0.733333333333333\n"
## [1] "Cutoff: 0.7"
## Actual
## Predicted 0 1
## No 964 29
## Yes 3 4
## [1] "Test Error: 0.032"
## [1] "Test Sensitivity: 0.121212121212121"
## [1] "Test Specificity: 0.996897621509824"
## [1] "Test Precision: 0.571428571428571\n"
The best option depends on our goal. For our case, since we care the most about classifying people who will default correctly, the metric we should look at is sensitivity. The cutoff value of 0.3 gives the highest sensitivity, so we prefer that one.
. Using the functions in
that library, plot the ROC curve and calculate the AUC. Use the ROC
curve to determine a cutoff value and comment on your reasoning.Solution:
# load library
# calculating the ROC curve
roc.Default <- prediction(pred.Default, Default_test$default)
perf.Default <- performance(roc.Default, "tpr", "fpr")
plot(perf.Default, colorize = TRUE)
# calculate the AUC
auc.Default <- performance(roc.Default, measure = "auc")
auc.Default <- auc.Default@y.values[[1]]
print(paste0("AUC: ", auc.Default))
## [1] "AUC: 0.952304847858107"
There are two types of classification mistakes, misclassifying people
as Default=Yes
if they will not default, and misclassifying
people as “Default=No” if they will default. We are less concerned with
the first type of classification mistake, so we are fine with the false
positive rate being on the higher side. However, we do not want to
classify people as Default=No
if they will indeed default,
so we seek to maximize the true positive rate. With this reasoning, a
cutoff value of around 0.2 could be appropriate.
. Using the
function, do 20-fold cross-validation on the
training dataset to determine the optimal penalty coefficient, \(\lambda\), in the logistic regression with
ridge penalty. In order to choose the best penalty coefficient use AUC
as the Cross-Validation metric.Solution:
# load library
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loaded glmnet 4.1-8
# parameters for cv.glmnet function
q1_measure <- "auc"
q1_numFolds <- 20
q1_alpha <- 0 # "ridge" -> alpha = 0
q1_family <- "binomial"
# divide data
Default_train_X <- as.matrix(Default_train[,c("balance", "income")])
Default_train_Y <- as.matrix(Default_train[,"default"])
colnames(Default_train_Y) <- "default"
# cv.glmnet
train_default_ridge_cv <- cv.glmnet(x = Default_train_X,
y = Default_train_Y,
type.measure = q1_measure,
nfolds = q1_numFolds,
alpha = q1_alpha,
family = q1_family)
## Call: cv.glmnet(x = Default_train_X, y = Default_train_Y, type.measure = q1_measure, nfolds = q1_numFolds, alpha = q1_alpha, family = q1_family)
## Measure: AUC
## Lambda Index Measure SE Nonzero
## min 0.01 100 0.9510 0.005999 2
## 1se 57.15 2 0.9482 0.006273 2
We can set \(\lambda\) to be either \(\lambda_{\text{min}} = 0.01\) or \(\lambda_{1\text{se}} = 57.15\).
The MNIST dataset of handwritten digits is one of the most popular
imaging data during the early times of machine learning development.
Many machine learning algorithms have pushed the accuracy to over 99% on
this dataset. The dataset is stored in an online repository in CSV
We will download the first 2500 observations of this dataset from an
online resource using the following code. The first column is the
digits. The remaining columns are the pixel values. After we download
the dataset, we save it to our local disk so we do not have to re
download the data in the future.
# inputs to download file
fileLocation <- ""
numRowsToDownload <- 2500
localFileName <- paste0("mnist_first", numRowsToDownload, ".RData")
# download the data and add column names
mnist <- read.csv(fileLocation, nrows = numRowsToDownload)
numColsMnist <- dim(mnist)[2]
colnames(mnist) <- c("Digit", paste("Pixel", seq(1:(numColsMnist - 1)), sep = ""))
# save file
# in the future we can read in from the local copy instead of having to redownload
save(mnist, file = localFileName)
# you can load the data with the following code
load(file = localFileName)
[20 pts] The first task is to write the code to implement the K-Nearest Neighbors, or KNN, model from scratch. We will do this in steps:
Write a function called euclidean_distance
calculates the Euclidean distance between two vectors. There are two
input arguments for this function: vector 1 (vec1
), and
vector 2 (vec2
). The output for this function is a numeric,
the Euclidean distance (euclDist
Write a function called manhattan_distance
calculates the Manhattan distance between two vectors. There are two
input arguments for this function: vector 1 (vec1
), and
vector 2 (vec2
). The output for this function is a numeric,
the Manhattan distance (manhDist
Write a function called euclidean_distance_all
calculates the Euclidean distance between a vector and all the row
vectors in an input data matrix. There are two input arguments for this
function: a vector (vec1
) and an input data matrix
). The output for this function is a vector
) which is of the same length as the
number of rows in mat1_X
. This function must use the
function euclidean_distance
you previously wrote.
Write a function called manhattan_distance_all
calculates the Manhattan distance between a vector and all the row
vectors in an input data matrix. There are two input arguments for this
function: a vector (vec1
) and an input data matrix
). The output for this function is a vector
) which is of the same length as
the number of rows in mat1_X
. This function must use the
function manhattan_distance
you previously wrote.
Write a function called my_KNN
that compares a
vector to a matrix and finds its K-nearest neighbors. There are five
input arguments for this function: vector 1 (vec1
), the
input data matrix (mat1_X
), the class labels corresponding
to each row of the matrix (mat1_Y
), the number of nearest
neighbors you are interested in finding (K
), and a Boolean
argument specifying if we are using the Euclidean distance
). The argument K
should be a
positive integer. If the argument euclDistUsed = TRUE
, then
use the Euclidean distance. Otherwise, use the Manhattan distance. The
output of this function is a list of length 2
). The first element in the output
list should be a vector of length K
containing the class
labels of the closest neighbors. The second element in the output list
should be the majority vote of the K
class labels in the
first element of the list. The function must use the functions
and manhattan_distance
previously wrote.
Apply this function to predict the label of the \(123^{\text{rd}}\) observation using the first \(100\) observations as your input training data matrix. Use \(K = 10\). What is the predicted label when you use Euclidean distance? What is the predicted label when you use Manhattan distance? Are these predictions correct?
# Function Name: euclidean_distance
# Function Usage: to calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors
# Input 1: vec1, a vector of length p
# Input 2: vec2, a vector of length p
# Output: euclDist, a numeric
euclidean_distance <- function(vec1, vec2){
# calculate Euclidean distance
euclDist <- sqrt(sum((vec1 - vec2)^2))
# return Euclidean distance
# Function Name: manhattan_distance
# Function Usage: to calculate the Manhattan distance between two vectors
# Input 1: vec1, a vector of length p
# Input 2: vec2, a vector of length p
# Output: manhDist, a numeric
manhattan_distance <- function(vec1, vec2){
# calculate Manhattan distance
manhDist <- sum(abs(vec1 - vec2))
# return Manhattan distance
# Function Name: euclidean_distance_all
# Function Usage: to calculate the Euclidean distance between a vectors and
# all the row vectors in a matrix
# Input 1: vec1, a vector of length p
# Input 2: mat1_X, a matrix of dimension n x p
# Output: output_euclDistVec, a vector of length n
euclidean_distance_all <- function(vec1, mat1_X){
# number of rows
numRows <- dim(mat1_X)[1]
output_euclDistVec <- rep(NA, times = numRows)
# calculate Euclidean distance between vec1 and all row vectors of mat1_X
for(i in 1:numRows){
output_euclDistVec[i] <- euclidean_distance(vec1 = vec1, vec2 = mat1_X[i,])
# return Euclidean distances
# Function Name: manhattan_distance_all
# Function Usage: to calculate the Manhattan distance between a vectors and
# all the row vectors in a matrix
# Input 1: vec1, a vector of length p
# Input 2: mat1_X, a matrix of dimension n x p
# Output: output_manhattanDistVec, a vector of length n
manhattan_distance_all <- function(vec1, mat1_X){
# number of rows
numRows <- dim(mat1_X)[1]
output_manhattanDistVec <- rep(NA, times = numRows)
# calculate Manhattan distance between vec1 and all row vectors of mat1_X
for(i in 1:numRows){
output_manhattanDistVec[i] <- manhattan_distance(vec1 = vec1, vec2 = mat1_X[i,])
# return Manhattan distances
# Function Name: my_KNN
# Function Usage: to calculate the K nearest neighbors for a vector,
# the potential neighbors are all the row vectors in a matrix
# Input 1: vec1, a vector of length p
# Input 2: mat1_X, a matrix of dimension n x p
# Input 3: mat1_Y, a vector of length n
# Input 4: K, a positive integer
# Input 5: euclDistUsed, a Boolean
# Output: output_knnMajorityVote, a list of length 2
my_KNN <- function(vec1, mat1_X, mat1_Y, K, euclDistUsed){
# number of row vectors
numRows <- dim(mat1_X)[1]
# check if we are calculating Euclidean distances or Manhattan distances
distancesToVecs <- euclidean_distance_all(vec1 = vec1, mat1_X = mat1_X)
} else{
distancesToVecs <- manhattan_distance_all(vec1 = vec1, mat1_X = mat1_X)
# sort the distances
distancesToVecsSorted <- sort(distancesToVecs, decreasing = FALSE)
# extract K-smallest value
K_th_smallest_distance <- distancesToVecsSorted[K]
# extract indices from unsorted vector where value is <= K_th_smallest_distance
K_closest_neighbor_indices <- (1:numRows)[which(distancesToVecs <= K_th_smallest_distance)]
# extract labels corresponding to those indices
K_closest_neighbors_labels <- mat1_Y[K_closest_neighbor_indices]
# majority vote
K_closest_neighbors_labels_majority_vote <- as.numeric(names(sort(table(K_closest_neighbors_labels),
decreasing = TRUE)[1]))
# store results in list
output_knnMajorityVote <- list("K Nearest Neigbor Labels" = K_closest_neighbors_labels,
"Majority Vote" = K_closest_neighbors_labels_majority_vote)
# return list
# divide dataset into training dataset
q2_1_training_data_size <- 100
q2_1_train <- mnist[1:q2_1_training_data_size,]
q2_1_train_X <- as.matrix(q2_1_train[,which(colnames(q2_1_train) != "Digit")])
q2_1_train_Y <- as.matrix(q2_1_train$Digit)
colnames(q2_1_train_Y) <- "Digit"
# parameters for KNN
q2_1_K <- 10
# extract vector for 123rd observation
obs_123_X <- mnist[123, which(colnames(mnist) != "Digit")]
obs_123_Y <- mnist[123, "Digit"]
# run KNN for 123rd observation with Euclidean distance
obs_123_eucl <- my_KNN(vec1 = obs_123_X,
mat1_X = q2_1_train_X,
mat1_Y = q2_1_train_Y,
K = q2_1_K,
euclDistUsed = TRUE)
## $`K Nearest Neigbor Labels`
## [1] 7 9 7 9 9 7 7 9 7 7
## $`Majority Vote`
## [1] 7
# run KNN for 123rd observation with Manhattan distance
obs_123_manhattan <- my_KNN(vec1 = obs_123_X,
mat1_X = q2_1_train_X,
mat1_Y = q2_1_train_Y,
K = q2_1_K,
euclDistUsed = FALSE)
## $`K Nearest Neigbor Labels`
## [1] 7 9 7 9 9 7 7 9 7 7
## $`Majority Vote`
## [1] 7
# true label
print(paste0("True label for 123rd observation: ", obs_123_Y))
## [1] "True label for 123rd observation: 7"
The predicted label when we do KNN with K = 10 and a majority vote is 7 when we use Euclidean or Manhattan distance. Since the true label is 7, the predictions are correct.
. We will use the trainControl
functions from this library to fit a KNN
classification model. The \(K\) values
we will consider are \(1\), \(5\), \(10\), \(20\), \(50\), \(100\). Be careful to not get confused
between the number of folds and number of nearest neighbors when using
the functions. Use the first \(1250\)
observations as the training data to fit each model. Compare the
results. What is the best \(K\)
according to cross-validation classification accuracy? Once you have
chosen \(K\), fit a final KNN model on
your entire training dataset with that value. Use that model to predict
the classes of the last \(1250\)
observations, which is our test dataset. Report the prediction confusion
matrix on the test dataset for your final KNN model. Calculate the the
test error and the sensitivity of each classes. # set seed
# load library
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: lattice
# parameters for cross-validation
q2_2_resamplingMethod <- "cv"
q2_2_numFolds <- 20
q2_2_classificationMethod <- "knn"
q2_2_performanceMetric <- "Accuracy"
# sequence of K values
q2_2_K_seq <- data.frame(k = c(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100))
# get training dataset
q2_2_training_data_size <- 1250
q2_2_train <- mnist[1:q2_2_training_data_size,]
q2_2_train_X <- as.matrix(q2_2_train[,which(colnames(q2_2_train) != "Digit")])
q2_2_train_Y <- as.factor(q2_2_train$Digit)
# setup the cross-validation options
knn_cv_train_control <- trainControl(method = q2_2_resamplingMethod,
number = q2_2_numFolds)
# train the model
knn_cv_train <- train(x = q2_2_train_X,
y = q2_2_train_Y,
method = q2_2_classificationMethod,
metric = q2_2_performanceMetric,
trControl = knn_cv_train_control,
tuneGrid = q2_2_K_seq)
## k-Nearest Neighbors
## 1250 samples
## 784 predictor
## 10 classes: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (20 fold)
## Summary of sample sizes: 1190, 1189, 1188, 1187, 1187, 1187, ...
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
## k Accuracy Kappa
## 1 0.8847002 0.8715814
## 5 0.8758230 0.8616525
## 10 0.8567053 0.8402751
## 20 0.8279901 0.8081480
## 50 0.7840759 0.7589138
## 100 0.7159393 0.6823221
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was k = 1.
The best KNN model according to cross-validation classification accuracy is \(K = 1\). Let’s fit a KNN model with \(K = 1\) onto the entire training dataset.
# the function knn is in the library class
# load library class
## Attaching package: 'class'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:FNN':
## knn,
# best K
q2_2_chosen_K <- 1
# setup test dataset
q2_2_test <- mnist[((q2_2_training_data_size + 1):dim(mnist)[1]),]
q2_2_test_X <- as.matrix(q2_2_test[,which(colnames(q2_2_test) != "Digit")])
q2_2_test_Y <- as.factor(q2_2_test$Digit)
# fit KNN model with K = 1 onto entire training dataset
# predict class labels for test dataset
knn_train <- knn(train = q2_2_train_X,
test = q2_2_test_X,
cl = q2_2_train_Y,
k = q2_2_chosen_K)
# prediction confusion matrix on the test dataset
q2_2_confusionMat <- table(Predicted = knn_train, Actual = q2_2_test_Y)
## Actual
## Predicted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
## 0 112 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 1
## 1 1 126 5 2 6 1 1 2 1 1
## 2 0 1 106 1 1 0 0 0 2 0
## 3 1 0 0 104 0 2 0 0 1 1
## 4 0 0 2 0 118 1 1 0 0 7
## 5 0 0 0 7 1 110 2 0 5 0
## 6 3 0 1 0 1 4 133 0 1 0
## 7 0 1 7 3 5 0 0 120 0 5
## 8 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 96 0
## 9 0 0 0 0 12 1 0 4 4 105
# calculate test error
q2_2_numCorrectPredictions <- sum(diag(q2_2_confusionMat))
q2_2_numPredictions <- sum(q2_2_confusionMat)
q2_2_testError <- 1 - (q2_2_numCorrectPredictions/q2_2_numPredictions)
print(paste0("The test error is: ", q2_2_testError))
## [1] "The test error is: 0.096"
# calculate the sensitivity of each class
numClasses <- dim(q2_2_confusionMat)[1]
for(i in 1:numClasses){
# class label
class_label_temp <- dimnames(q2_2_confusionMat)$Actual[i]
# calculate how many of the true occurrences of each class label were correctly classified
num_predicted_class_label <- diag(q2_2_confusionMat)[i]
# calculate true number of occurrences of each class label
num_true_class_label <- sum(q2_2_confusionMat[,i])
# calculate sensitivity
sensitivity_temp <- num_predicted_class_label/num_true_class_label
# print
print(paste0("The sensitivity for class label ", class_label_temp, " is: ", sensitivity_temp))
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 0 is: 0.957264957264957"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 1 is: 0.984375"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 2 is: 0.848"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 3 is: 0.852459016393443"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 4 is: 0.819444444444444"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 5 is: 0.92436974789916"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 6 is: 0.956834532374101"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 7 is: 0.952380952380952"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 8 is: 0.872727272727273"
## [1] "The sensitivity for class label 9 is: 0.875"
. We will
use a multi-class logistic regression model with a Lasso penalty. First,
we seek to find an almost optimal value for the \(\lambda\) penalty parameter. Use the
function with \(20\) folds on the training dataset to find
\(\lambda_{1se}\). Once you have
identified \(\lambda_{1se}\), use the
function with that penalty value to fit a
multi-class logistic regression model onto the entire training dataset.
Ensure you set the argument family = multinomial
within the
functions as appropriate. Using that model, predict the class label for
the testing data. Report the testing data prediction confusion matrix.
What is the test error? # set seed
# parameters for cv.glmnet function
q2_3_numFolds <- 20
q2_3_alpha <- 1 # "lasso" -> alpha = 1
q2_3_family <- "multinomial"
# cv.glmnet
q2_3_cv_multinomial <- cv.glmnet(x = q2_2_train_X,
y = q2_2_train_Y,
nfolds = q2_3_numFolds,
alpha = q2_3_alpha,
family = q2_3_family)
## Call: cv.glmnet(x = q2_2_train_X, y = q2_2_train_Y, nfolds = q2_3_numFolds, alpha = q2_3_alpha, family = q2_3_family)
## Measure: Multinomial Deviance
## Lambda Index Measure SE Nonzero
## min 0.003231 43 1.079 0.06467 62
## 1se 0.006196 36 1.133 0.05605 46
The identified value for \(\lambda_{1se}\) is 0.006196. Let’s now fit a model onto the entire training dataset and then predict the class labels for the testing dataset,
# we fit the model with the entire lambda sequence that cv.glmnet generated
# glmnet does not like it if only a single lambda is specified
# lambda.1se is in that sequence so this is not an issue
q2_3_multinomial <- glmnet(x = q2_2_train_X,
y = q2_2_train_Y,
family = q2_3_family,
alpha = q2_3_alpha,
lambda = q2_3_cv_multinomial$lambda)
# predict class labels, ensure you set s = lambda.1se to use that for predictions
q2_3_test_Y_hat <- as.factor(predict(q2_3_multinomial,
newx = q2_2_test_X,
s = q2_3_cv_multinomial$lambda.1se,
type = "class"))
# prediction confusion matrix on the test dataset
q2_3_confusionMat <- table(Predicted = q2_3_test_Y_hat, Actual = q2_2_test_Y)
## Actual
## Predicted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
## 0 109 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 1 1
## 1 0 115 3 4 2 0 1 1 4 0
## 2 1 2 107 8 3 0 7 1 4 0
## 3 0 0 0 99 0 5 0 4 1 4
## 4 1 0 4 0 115 2 2 2 1 8
## 5 2 1 0 7 2 98 4 0 3 2
## 6 0 1 3 1 1 3 122 0 1 0
## 7 0 1 2 1 3 3 1 109 2 6
## 8 4 8 2 1 4 6 0 0 89 0
## 9 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 7 4 99
# calculate test error
q2_3_numCorrectPredictions <- sum(diag(q2_3_confusionMat))
q2_3_numPredictions <- sum(q2_3_confusionMat)
q2_3_testError <- 1 - (q2_3_numCorrectPredictions/q2_3_numPredictions)
print(paste0("The test error is: ", q2_3_testError))
## [1] "The test error is: 0.1504"