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is \(\geq
4.0.0\). This will ensure your random seed generation is the same
as everyone else. Please note that updating the R
may require you to reinstall all of your packages.In this question, we will code our own k-means clustering algorithm. The key requirement is that you cannot write your code directly. You must write a proper prompt to describe your intention for each of the function so that GPT (or whatever AI tools you are using) can understand your way of thinking clearly, and provide you with the correct code. We will use the handwritten digits dataset from HW9 (2600 observations). Recall that the k-means algorithm iterates between two steps:
You do not need to split the data into train and test. We will use the whole dataset as the training data. Restrict the data to just the digits 2, 4 and 8. And then perform marginal variance screening to reduce to the top 50 features. After this, complete the following tasks. Please read all sub-questions a, b, and c before you start, and think about how different pieces of the code should be structured and what the inputs and outputs should be so that they can be integrated. For each question, you need to document your prompt to GPT (or whatever AI tools you are using) to generate the code. You cannot wirte your own code or modify the code generated by the AI tool in any of the function definitions.
that takes in three arguments,
the data \(X\), the number of clusters
\(K\), and the cluster assignments. And
it outputs the updated centroids. Think about how you should describe
the task to GPT (your specific requirements of how these arguments and
the output should structured) so that it can understand your intention.
You need to request the AI tool to provide sufficient comments for each
step of the function. After this, test your function with the training
data, \(K = 3\) and a random cluster
load(file = "mnist_first2600.RData")
## [1] 2600 785
train <- mnist2600
train <- train[train$Digit == 2 | train$Digit == 4 | train$Digit == 8, ]
# perform marginal screening
var = apply(train[, -1], 2, var)
varuse = order(var, decreasing = TRUE)[1:30]
train = train[, c(1, varuse + 1)]
Here is my prompt to GPT:
I want to write a function to implement the kmeans clustering. I want
to break that down into three steps. In this first step, I want to write
a function called cluster_mean_update()
that takes in three
This function cluster_mean_update()
should output a
\(K\) by \(p\) matrix of cluster means, with the \(j\)th row representing the center of the
\(j\)th cluster.
Here is the output I obtained from GPT:
cluster_mean_update <- function(X, K, C) {
# Initialize an empty K x p matrix for cluster means
p <- ncol(X)
cluster_means <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = p)
# Loop through each cluster and compute the mean for each
for (j in 1:K) {
# Select rows where the cluster assignment equals the current cluster j
cluster_data <- X[C == j, ]
# Calculate mean for each column (feature) in the selected cluster data
if (nrow(cluster_data) > 0) {
cluster_means[j, ] <- colMeans(cluster_data)
} else {
cluster_means[j, ] <- NA # If no points in the cluster, assign NA
To test the function, I will use the training data, \(K = 3\) and a random cluster assignment. This part is completed by GitHub Copilot automatically in R, with my slight modification and comments.
# generate random cluster assignments
cluster_assignments <- sample(1:3, nrow(train), replace = TRUE)
# use our AI generated function
cluster_means <- cluster_mean_update(train[, -1], 3, cluster_assignments)
# check dimension
## [1] 3 30
that takes in two arguments, the data
\(X\) and the centroids. And it outputs
the cluster assignments. Think about how you should describe the task to
GPT so that this function would be compatible with the previous function
to achieve the k-means clustering. You need to request the AI tool to
provide sufficient comments for each step of the function. After this,
test your function with the training data and the centroids from the
previous step.Solution:
Here is my prompt to GPT:
In this second step, I want to write a function called
that takes in two arguments,
This function cluster_assignments()
should output a
vector of cluster assignments, with its i-th element being the cluster
label of the i-th subject. In the calculation of the cluster
assignments, I want to use the Euclidean distance.
Here is the output I obtained from GPT:
cluster_assignments <- function(X, centroids) {
# Get dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
K <- nrow(centroids)
# Initialize a vector to store cluster assignments for each subject
assignments <- integer(n)
# Loop through each subject (row in X)
for (i in 1:n) {
# Calculate the Euclidean distance between X[i, ] and each centroid
distances <- apply(centroids, 1, function(centroid) {
sum((X[i, ] - centroid)^2)
# Assign the subject to the nearest centroid (cluster with minimum distance)
assignments[i] <- which.min(distances)
To test the function, I will use the training data and the centroids from the previous step. This part is completed by GitHub Copilot automatically in R, with my slight modification and comments.
# use our AI generated function
clusters <- cluster_assignments(train[, -1], cluster_means)
# check the first 10 cluster assignments
head(clusters, 10)
## [1] 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2
. What arguments should you supply? And what
outputs should be requested? Again, think about how you should describe
the task to GPT. Test your function with the training data, \(K = 3\), and the maximum number of
iterations set to 20. For this code, you can skip the multiple starting
points strategy. However, keep in mind that your solution maybe
Here is my prompt to GPT:
In this third step, I want to write a function called
that takes in three arguments,
The algorithm should iterate between the two steps:
function.At the first iteration, I want to randomly assign each observation to a cluster. After each iteration, I want to check if the cluster assignments have changed. If the cluster assignments have not changed, I want to stop the algorithm. If the maximum number of iterations is reached, I also want to stop the algorithm.
Here is the output I obtained from GPT:
kmeans <- function(X, K, max_iter = 100) {
# Step 1: Initial random cluster assignments
n <- nrow(X)
assignments <- sample(1:K, n, replace = TRUE)
# Initialize a variable to keep track of the previous assignments
prev_assignments <- NULL
# Initialize iteration counter
iter <- 0
# Main loop
repeat {
# Step 2: Update centroids based on current cluster assignments
centroids <- cluster_mean_update(X, K, assignments)
# Step 3: Assign each observation to the closest centroid
new_assignments <- cluster_assignments(X, centroids)
# Check if the assignments have changed
if (identical(assignments, new_assignments) || iter >= max_iter) {
# Update assignments and increment iteration counter
prev_assignments <- assignments
assignments <- new_assignments
iter <- iter + 1
# Return final assignments and centroids
list(assignments = assignments, centroids = centroids, iterations = iter)
To test the function, I will use the training data, \(K = 3\), and the maximum number of iterations set to 20. This part is completed by GitHub Copilot automatically in R, with my slight modification and comments.
# use our AI generated function
kmeans_result <- kmeans(train[, -1], 3, 20)
# check the first 10 cluster assignments
head(kmeans_result$assignments, 10)
## [1] 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2
# check the clustering results
table(kmeans_result$assignments, train$Digit)
## 2 4 8
## 1 114 7 29
## 2 93 5 189
## 3 49 277 10
# calculate the accuracy
(114 + 277 + 189) / nrow(train)
## [1] 0.7503234
Since the label is not ordered, we select the cluster with the
highest frequency to be the label for that cluster. The accuracy of the
clustering is 0.7503234
. The current code for the cluster
membership update is very inefficient as it loops through each subject.
A more efficient implementation would be to use matrix operations to
substract the centroids from the data matrix and calculate the sum of
squares. Moreover, our code does not implement the multiple starting
points strategy to avoid local minima. This could be added to improve
the performance of the algorithm.
In this question, we will use the hierarchical clustering algorithm
to cluster the training data. We will use the same training data as in
Question 1. Directly use the hclust()
function in R to
perform hierarchical clustering, but test different linkage methods
(single, complete, and average) and euclidean distance.
# Perform hierarchical clustering
hclust_single <- hclust(dist(train[, -1], method = "euclidean"), method = "single")
hclust_complete <- hclust(dist(train[, -1], method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")
hclust_average <- hclust(dist(train[, -1], method = "euclidean"), method = "average")
# Plot the dendrograms
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(hclust_single, main = "Single Linkage")
plot(hclust_complete, main = "Complete Linkage")
plot(hclust_average, main = "Average Linkage")
# I choose to use the average linkage
clusters_average <- cutree(hclust_average, k = 3)
# Check the clustering results
table(clusters_average, train$Digit)
## clusters_average 2 4 8
## 1 80 284 50
## 2 91 5 14
## 3 85 0 164
# Calculate the accuracy
(284 + 164 + 91) / nrow(train)
## [1] 0.6972833
The accuracy for digit 2 is very poor. It often get mixed with the
other two digits. Both 4 and 8 are reasonably well clustered. The
overall accuracy is 0.6972833
For this question, let’s use the spectral clustering function
from the kernlab
package. Let’s also
consider all pixels, instead of just the top 50 features. Specify your
own choice of the kernel and the number of clusters. Report your results
and compare them with the previous clustering methods.
train <- mnist2600
train <- train[train$Digit == 2 | train$Digit == 4 | train$Digit == 8, ]
# Perform spectral clustering
specc_result <- specc(as.matrix(train[, -1]), centers = 3, kernel = "rbfdot")
# Check the clustering results
table(specc_result, train$Digit)
## specc_result 2 4 8
## 1 181 4 6
## 2 16 279 9
## 3 59 6 213
# Calculate the accuracy
(181 + 279 + 213) / nrow(train)
## [1] 0.8706339
I was able to improve the accuracy slightly with this approach, using
radial basis kernel function. The overall accuracy is