Here are some packages that will be used in this lecture.
the vanilla random forest packageranger
[CRAN] a fast
implementation of random forestrandomForestSRC
added survival analysis capability and several additional featuresgrf
[CRAN] extended
from the ranger
package with additional statistical
Use new [GitHub Ver. 4.2.5] a fast
implementation and additional features. Old [CRAN Ver. 3.2.6]
will be updated later.A more comprehensive list can be found here.
PackageIn windows, RLT
can be installed using
. The compilation of this package requires
GCC. Hence, you may also need to install Rtools
from here.
# you may need to install the devtools package first
# install the RLT package from GitHub
# Rtools is required in windows
When installing RLT on macOS can be slightly trickier. It mainly consisting two steps:
Follow this guild to install GNU Fortran compiler, gfortran-12.2-universal.pkg
If you do not already have Xcode (most systems come with Xcode installed already), you can use this line to install
sudo xcode-select --install
to point to the compiler
Create the Markvars
file using
makedir ~/.R
touch ~/.R/Makevars
Check your folder of gfortran
. The compiler will be
installed to /opt/gfortran
folder as default
Add these lines to point to the correct folder of the compiler.
You may use open -a TextEdit ~/.R/Makevars
to open a text
editor and type in these lines.
FC = opt/gfortran/bin/gfortran
F77 = /opt/gfortran/bin/gfortran
FLIBS = -L/opt/gfortran/lib
After completing these steps, you should be able to directly install
the RLT
package using
in RStudio the same way as
windows machine. The compilation may require a few minutes.
The previous steps would not activate OpenMP parallel computing, as
explained here. To
enable OpenMP while compiling the RLT
package, follow these
For example, to install the 14.0.6 version (check the ones that compatible with your Xcode version), use
curl -O
sudo tar fvxz openmp-14.0.6-darwin20-Release.tar.gz -C /
You should then see the following message
The procedure is the same as we explained previously. You should
add these two lines into your Markvars
CPPFLAGS += -Xclang -fopenmp
LDFLAGS += -lomp
After these two steps, you can then use
install_github("teazrq/RLT", force = TRUE)
to re-install
the RLT
The following code test the performance of several packages in a regression problem
We generate a dataset with 1000 observations and 400 variables, with 200 continuous variables and 200 categorical ones with three categories.
# Set seed for reproducibility
# Define data size
trainn <- 800
testn <- 1000
n <- trainn + testn
p <- 30
# Generate continuous variables (X1) and categorical variables (X2)
X1 <- matrix(rnorm(n * p / 2), n, p / 2)
X2 <- matrix(as.integer(runif(n * p / 2) * 3), n, p / 2)
# Combine continuous and categorical variables into a data frame (X)
X <- data.frame(X1, X2)
# Convert the second half of the columns in X to factors
X[, (p / 2 + 1):p] <- lapply(X[, (p / 2 + 1):p], as.factor)
# Generate outcomes (y)
y <- 1 + rowSums(X[, 2:6]) + 2 * (X[, p / 2 + 1] %in% c(1, 3)) + rnorm(n)
# Set tuning parameters
ntrees <- 1000
ncores <- detectCores() - 1
nmin <- 30
mtry <- p / 2
samplereplace <- TRUE
sampleprob <- 0.80
rule <- "best"
nsplit <- ifelse(rule == "best", 0, 3)
importance <- TRUE
# Split data into training and testing sets
trainX <- X[1:trainn, ]
trainY <- y[1:trainn]
testX <- X[(trainn + 1):(trainn + testn), ]
testY <- y[(trainn + 1):(trainn + testn)]
# recording results
metric = data.frame(matrix(NA, 4, 6))
rownames(metric) = c("RLT", "randomForestSRC", "randomForest", "ranger")
colnames(metric) = c("fit.time", "pred.time", "oob.error", "pred.error",
"obj.size", "tree.size")
# using RLT package
start_time <- Sys.time()
RLTfit <- RLT(trainX, trainY, model = "regression",
ntrees = ntrees, mtry = mtry, nmin = nmin,
resample.prob = sampleprob, split.gen = rule,
resample.replace = samplereplace,
nsplit = nsplit, importance = importance,
param.control = list("alpha" = 0),
ncores = ncores, verbose = TRUE)
## Regression Random Forest ...
## ---------- Parameters Summary ----------
## (N, P) = (800, 30)
## # of trees = 1000
## (mtry, nmin) = (15, 30)
## splitting rule = Best
## sampling = 0.8 w/ replace
## (Obs, Var) weights = (No, No)
## importance = permute
## reinforcement = No
## ----------------------------------------
metric[1, 1] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
start_time <- Sys.time()
RLTPred <- predict(RLTfit, testX, ncores = ncores)
metric[1, 2] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
metric[1, 3] = mean((RLTfit$Prediction - trainY)^2)
metric[1, 4] = mean((RLTPred$Prediction - testY)^2)
metric[1, 5] = object.size(RLTfit)
metric[1, 6] = mean(unlist(lapply(RLTfit$FittedForest$SplitVar, length)))
# use randomForestSRC
options(rf.cores = ncores)
start_time <- Sys.time()
rsffit <- rfsrc(y ~ ., data = data.frame(trainX, "y"= trainY),
ntree = ntrees, nodesize = nmin/2, mtry = mtry,
samptype = ifelse(samplereplace == TRUE, "swor", "swr"),
nsplit = nsplit, sampsize = trainn*sampleprob,
importance = ifelse(importance, "permute", "none"))
metric[2, 1] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
start_time <- Sys.time()
rsfpred = predict(rsffit, data.frame(testX))
metric[2, 2] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
metric[2, 3] = mean((rsffit$predicted.oob - trainY)^2)
metric[2, 4] = mean((rsfpred$predicted - testY)^2)
metric[2, 5] = object.size(rsffit)
metric[2, 6] = rsffit$forest$totalNodeCount / rsffit$ntree
# use randomForest
start_time <- Sys.time() <- randomForest(trainX, trainY, ntree = ntrees,
mtry = mtry, nodesize = nmin,
replace = samplereplace,
sampsize = trainn*sampleprob,
importance = importance)
metric[3, 1] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
start_time <- Sys.time()
rf.pred <- predict(, testX)
metric[3, 2] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
metric[3, 3] = mean(($predicted - trainY)^2)
metric[3, 4] = mean((rf.pred - testY)^2)
metric[3, 5] = object.size(
metric[3, 6] = mean(colSums($forest$nodestatus != 0))
# use ranger
start_time <- Sys.time()
rangerfit <- ranger(trainY ~ ., data = data.frame(trainX),
num.trees = ntrees, min.node.size = nmin,
mtry = mtry, num.threads = ncores,
replace = samplereplace,
sample.fraction = sampleprob,
importance = "permutation",
respect.unordered.factors = "partition")
metric[4, 1] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
start_time <- Sys.time()
rangerpred = predict(rangerfit, data.frame(testX))
metric[4, 2] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
metric[4, 3] = mean((rangerfit$predictions - trainY)^2)
metric[4, 4] = mean((rangerpred$predictions - testY)^2)
metric[4, 5] = object.size(rangerfit)
metric[4, 6] = mean(unlist(lapply(rangerfit$forest$split.varIDs, length)))
# performance summary
The variable importance comparison
par(mar = c(1, 2, 2, 2))
barplot(as.vector(RLTfit$VarImp), main = "RLT", cex.main = 3)
barplot(as.vector(rsffit$importance), main = "rsf", cex.main = 3)
barplot($importance[, 1], main = "rf", cex.main = 3)
barplot(as.vector(rangerfit$variable.importance), main = "ranger", cex.main = 3)