R Packages for Random Forests

Here are some packages that will be used in this lecture.

  • randomForest [CRAN] the vanilla random forest package
  • ranger [CRAN] a fast implementation of random forest
  • randomForestSRC [CRAN] added survival analysis capability and several additional features
  • grf [CRAN] extended from the ranger package with additional statistical tools
  • RLT Use new [GitHub Ver. 4.2.5] a fast implementation and additional features. Old [CRAN Ver. 3.2.6] will be updated later.

A more comprehensive list can be found here.

Install the RLT Package

For Windows

In windows, RLT can be installed using install_github. The compilation of this package requires GCC. Hence, you may also need to install Rtools from here.

  # you may need to install the devtools package first

  # install the RLT package from GitHub
  # Rtools is required in windows

For macOS

When installing RLT on macOS can be slightly trickier. It mainly consisting two steps:

  • Step 1: Install compilers
  • Step 2: Set Markvars to point to the compiler
    • Create the Markvars file using

      makedir ~/.R

      touch ~/.R/Makevars

    • Check your folder of gfortran. The compiler will be installed to /opt/gfortran folder as default

    • Add these lines to point to the correct folder of the compiler. You may use open -a TextEdit ~/.R/Makevars to open a text editor and type in these lines.

      FC = opt/gfortran/bin/gfortran

      F77 = /opt/gfortran/bin/gfortran

      FLIBS = -L/opt/gfortran/lib

After completing these steps, you should be able to directly install the RLT package using install_github("teazrq/RLT") in RStudio the same way as windows machine. The compilation may require a few minutes.

OpenMP in macOS

The previous steps would not activate OpenMP parallel computing, as explained here. To enable OpenMP while compiling the RLT package, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: download and install LLVM
    • For example, to install the 14.0.6 version (check the ones that compatible with your Xcode version), use

      curl -O https://mac.r-project.org/openmp/openmp-14.0.6-darwin20-Release.tar.gz

      sudo tar fvxz openmp-14.0.6-darwin20-Release.tar.gz -C /

      You should then see the following message





  • Step 2: add flags into Markvars
    • The procedure is the same as we explained previously. You should add these two lines into your Markvars file:

      CPPFLAGS += -Xclang -fopenmp

      LDFLAGS += -lomp

After these two steps, you can then use install_github("teazrq/RLT", force = TRUE) to re-install the RLT package.


The following code test the performance of several packages in a regression problem


We generate a dataset with 1000 observations and 400 variables, with 200 continuous variables and 200 categorical ones with three categories.

  # Set seed for reproducibility

  # Define data size
  trainn <- 800
  testn <- 1000
  n <- trainn + testn
  p <- 30

  # Generate continuous variables (X1) and categorical variables (X2)
  X1 <- matrix(rnorm(n * p / 2), n, p / 2)
  X2 <- matrix(as.integer(runif(n * p / 2) * 3), n, p / 2)

  # Combine continuous and categorical variables into a data frame (X)
  X <- data.frame(X1, X2)

  # Convert the second half of the columns in X to factors
  X[, (p / 2 + 1):p] <- lapply(X[, (p / 2 + 1):p], as.factor)

  # Generate outcomes (y)
  y <- 1 + rowSums(X[, 2:6]) + 2 * (X[, p / 2 + 1] %in% c(1, 3)) + rnorm(n)

  # Set tuning parameters
  ntrees <- 1000
  ncores <- detectCores() - 1
  nmin <- 30
  mtry <- p / 2
  samplereplace <- TRUE
  sampleprob <- 0.80
  rule <- "best"
  nsplit <- ifelse(rule == "best", 0, 3)
  importance <- TRUE

  # Split data into training and testing sets
  trainX <- X[1:trainn, ]
  trainY <- y[1:trainn]
  testX <- X[(trainn + 1):(trainn + testn), ]
  testY <- y[(trainn + 1):(trainn + testn)]
  # recording results
  metric = data.frame(matrix(NA, 4, 6))
  rownames(metric) = c("RLT", "randomForestSRC", "randomForest", "ranger")
  colnames(metric) = c("fit.time", "pred.time", "oob.error", "pred.error",
                       "obj.size", "tree.size")
  # using RLT package 
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  RLTfit <- RLT(trainX, trainY, model = "regression", 
                ntrees = ntrees, mtry = mtry, nmin = nmin, 
                resample.prob = sampleprob, split.gen = rule, 
                resample.replace = samplereplace, 
                nsplit = nsplit, importance = importance, 
                param.control = list("alpha" = 0),
                ncores = ncores, verbose = TRUE)
## Regression Random Forest ... 
## ---------- Parameters Summary ----------
##               (N, P) = (800, 30)
##           # of trees = 1000
##         (mtry, nmin) = (15, 30)
##       splitting rule = Best
##             sampling = 0.8 w/ replace
##   (Obs, Var) weights = (No, No)
##           importance = permute
##        reinforcement = No
## ----------------------------------------
  metric[1, 1] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  RLTPred <- predict(RLTfit, testX, ncores = ncores)
  metric[1, 2] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
  metric[1, 3] = mean((RLTfit$Prediction - trainY)^2)
  metric[1, 4] = mean((RLTPred$Prediction - testY)^2)
  metric[1, 5] = object.size(RLTfit)
  metric[1, 6] = mean(unlist(lapply(RLTfit$FittedForest$SplitVar, length)))
  # use randomForestSRC
  options(rf.cores = ncores)
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  rsffit <- rfsrc(y ~ ., data = data.frame(trainX, "y"= trainY), 
                  ntree = ntrees, nodesize = nmin/2, mtry = mtry, 
                  samptype = ifelse(samplereplace == TRUE, "swor", "swr"),
                  nsplit = nsplit, sampsize = trainn*sampleprob, 
                  importance = ifelse(importance, "permute", "none"))
  metric[2, 1] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  rsfpred = predict(rsffit, data.frame(testX))
  metric[2, 2] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
  metric[2, 3] = mean((rsffit$predicted.oob - trainY)^2)
  metric[2, 4] = mean((rsfpred$predicted - testY)^2)
  metric[2, 5] = object.size(rsffit)
  metric[2, 6] = rsffit$forest$totalNodeCount / rsffit$ntree
  # use randomForest
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  rf.fit <- randomForest(trainX, trainY, ntree = ntrees, 
                         mtry = mtry, nodesize = nmin, 
                         replace = samplereplace,
                         sampsize = trainn*sampleprob, 
                         importance = importance)
  metric[3, 1] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  rf.pred <- predict(rf.fit, testX)
  metric[3, 2] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
  metric[3, 3] = mean((rf.fit$predicted - trainY)^2)
  metric[3, 4] = mean((rf.pred - testY)^2)
  metric[3, 5] = object.size(rf.fit)
  metric[3, 6] = mean(colSums(rf.fit$forest$nodestatus != 0))
  # use ranger  
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  rangerfit <- ranger(trainY ~ ., data = data.frame(trainX), 
                      num.trees = ntrees, min.node.size = nmin, 
                      mtry = mtry, num.threads = ncores, 
                      replace = samplereplace,
                      sample.fraction = sampleprob, 
                      importance = "permutation",
                      respect.unordered.factors = "partition")
  metric[4, 1] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  rangerpred = predict(rangerfit, data.frame(testX))
  metric[4, 2] = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
  metric[4, 3] = mean((rangerfit$predictions - trainY)^2)
  metric[4, 4] = mean((rangerpred$predictions - testY)^2)
  metric[4, 5] = object.size(rangerfit)
  metric[4, 6] = mean(unlist(lapply(rangerfit$forest$split.varIDs, length)))
  # performance summary

The variable importance comparison

  par(mar = c(1, 2, 2, 2))
  barplot(as.vector(RLTfit$VarImp), main = "RLT", cex.main = 3)
  barplot(as.vector(rsffit$importance), main = "rsf", cex.main = 3)
  barplot(rf.fit$importance[, 1], main = "rf", cex.main = 3)
  barplot(as.vector(rangerfit$variable.importance), main = "ranger", cex.main = 3)