I have already downloaded a bunch of .XPT
files from the
CDC NHANES dataset (see their links below) and saved them under the same
folder as this .rmd
file. The following code is an example
for processing them, so they are ready to be analyzed. Please note that
you will not be able to replicate this unless you download all the
following .XPT
files from CDC NHANES website and save
them into the same folder as this ReadNHANESData.Rmd
For demonstration purposes, I will create a toy dataset
to perform some calculations. If you
plan to use the NHANCE data in your final project, you should consider
reproducing this with additional variables (from more .XPT
files) that you are interested in.
DataFor example, I have the following setup in my folder: all the
files, and the .Rmd
file provided at our
website. R and R Markdown tutorial can be found on the same page.
The following code chuck is used to read-in data from .XPT
files. Make sure that you install the haven
package first,
which provides the read_xpt()
# this is a package used to read .XPT files
# if you don't have the package installed already, you should run
# install.packages("haven") first
These following lines readin three datasets
# Read-In HNANES 2015 - 2016 data
# https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/continuousnhanes/default.aspx?BeginYear=2015
# Demographics Data
Demographic <- read_xpt("DEMO_I.XPT")
# https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Nhanes/2015-2016/DEMO_I.XPT
# Questionnaire Data
Diabetes <- read_xpt("DIQ_I.XPT")
# https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Nhanes/2015-2016/DIQ_I.XPT
# Examination Data
BodyMeasure <- read_xpt("BMX_I.XPT")
# https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Nhanes/2015-2016/BMX_I.XPT
# You can download more data from the CDC website
Depends on your analysis goal, you should process (cleaning,
formatting, subsetting, etc.) your data before any analysis. In this
example, I merge all three datasets by their unique identifier
. This uses a more complex function
. If your analysis involves multiple files and
complicated merging logic, then you should explore solutions online, or
discuss that with me.
# We consider a few variables
Demographic_Sub = Demographic[, c("SEQN", "RIDAGEYR")]
Diabetes_Sub = Diabetes[, c("SEQN", "DIQ010")]
BodyMeasure_Sub = BodyMeasure[, c("SEQN", "BMXBMI")]
# Merge all dataset by SEQN (the unique identifier)
# This is a rather complicated function
RawData = Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x = x, y = y, by = "SEQN", all.x = TRUE),
list(Demographic_Sub, Diabetes_Sub, BodyMeasure_Sub))
# the complete.cases() statement identifies rows without missing data
# we only keep the complete cases in this example
RawData = RawData[complete.cases(RawData), ]
For convenience, you should consider saving the processed data so that you do not need to go through the data processing again.
# Save data
save(RawData, file = "NHANCE_2016_Toy.Rdata")
The following code will load and view the first several rows of the data you just saved
# Save data
Now it is your choice to perform analysis using this data. For example, we can consider univariate analysis such as
# plot histogram of age
hist(RawData$RIDAGEYR, xlab = "Age")
# Get the mean of age
## [1] 34.23275
# calculate the correlation between age and BMI
cor(RawData$BMXBMI, RawData$RIDAGEYR)
## [1] 0.496717
# You may consider fancier plots
# Plot calorie intake and BMI, colored by diabetes status
ggplot(RawData, aes(RIDAGEYR, BMXBMI, colour = as.factor(DIQ010))) +