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      Fit models for regression, classification and survival
                   analysis using reinforced splitting rules. The model
                   fits regular random forest models by default unless the
                   parameter \code{reinforcement} is set to `"TRUE"`. Using
                   \code{reinforcement = TRUE} activates embedded model for
                   splitting variable selection and allows linear combination
                   split. To specify parameters of embedded models, see
                   definition of \code{param.control} for details.


  censor = NULL,
  model = NULL,
  ntrees = if (reinforcement) 100 else 500,
  mtry = max(1, as.integer(ncol(x)/3)),
  nmin = max(1, as.integer(log(nrow(x)))),
  split.gen = "random",
  nsplit = 1,
  resample.replace = TRUE,
  resample.prob = if (resample.replace) 1 else 0.8,
  resample.preset = NULL,
  obs.w = NULL,
  var.w = NULL,
  importance = FALSE,
  reinforcement = FALSE,
  param.control = list(),
  ncores = 0,
  verbose = 0,
  seed = NULL,



A matrix or data.frame of features. If x is a data.frame, then all factors are treated as categorical variables, which will go through an exhaustive search of splitting criteria.


Response variable. a numeric/factor vector.


Censoring indicator if survival model is used.


The model type: "regression", "classification", "quantile", "survival" or "graph".


Number of trees, ntrees = 100 if reinforcement is used and ntrees = 1000 otherwise.


Number of randomly selected variables used at each internal node.


Terminal node size. Splitting will stop when the internal node size is less equal to nmin.


How the cutting points are generated: "random", "rank" or "best". If minimum child node size is enforced (alpha $> 0$), then "rank" and "best" should be used.


Number of random cutting points to compare for each variable at an internal node.


Whether the in-bag samples are obtained with replacement.


Proportion of in-bag samples.


A pre-specified matrix for in-bag data indicator/count matrix. It must be an \(n \times\) ntrees matrix with integer entries. Positive number indicates the number of copies of that observation (row) in the corresponding tree (column); zero indicates out-of-bag; negative values indicates not being used in either. Extremely large counts should be avoided. The sum of each column should not exceed \(n\).


Observation weights. The weights will be used for calculating the splitting scores, such as a weighted variance reduction or weighted gini index. But they will not be used for sampling observations. In that case, one can pre-specify resample.preset instead for balanced sampling, etc. For survival analysis, observation weights are not implemented in the "logrank" or "suplogrank" tests, due to the difficulty of calculating the variance of test statistic. However, it is used in the "coxgrad" splitting rule. For other models, this feature is currently not available.


Variable weights. If this is supplied, the default is to perform weighted sampling of mtry variables. For other usage, see the details of split.rule in param.control.


Whether to calculate variable importance measures. When set to "TRUE" (or "permute"), the calculation follows Breiman's original permutation strategy. If set to "distribute", then it sends the oob data to both child nodes with weights proportional to their sample sizes. Hence the final prediction is a weighted average of all possible terminal nodes that a perturbed observation could fall into. This feature is currently only available in regression and classification models.


Should reinforcement splitting rule be used. Default is "FALSE", i.e., regular random forests with marginal search of splitting variable. When it is activated, an embedded model is fitted to find the best splitting variable or a linear combination of them, if linear.comb $> 1$. They can also be specified in param.control.


A list of additional parameters. This can be used to specify other features in a random forest or set embedded model parameters for reinforcement splitting rules. Using reinforcement = TRUE will automatically generate some default tuning for the embedded model. This mode is currently only available in regression. They are not necessarily optimized.

  • embed.ntrees: number of trees in the embedded model

  • embed.mtry: number or proportion of variables

  • embed.nmin: terminal node size

  • embed.split.gen random cutting point search method ("random", "rank" or "best")

  • embed.nsplit number of random cutting points

  • embed.resample.replace whether to sample with replacement

  • embed.resample.prob: proportion of samples (of the internal node) in the embedded model

  • embed.mute muting rate

  • embed.protect number of protected variables

  • embed.threshold threshold, as a fraction of the best VI, for being included in the protected set at an internal node.

                   \code{linear.comb} is a separate feature that can be
                   activated with or without using reinforcement. It creates
                   linear combination of features as the splitting rule.
                   Currently only available for regression.
                   \item In reinforcement mode, a linear combination is created
                         using the top continuous variables from the embedded
                         model. If a categorical variable is the best, then
                         a regular split will be used. The splitting point
                         will be searched based on \code{split.rule} of the
                   \item In non-reinforcement mode, a marginal screening
                         is performed and the top features are used to construct
                         the linear combination. This is an experimental feature.

                   \code{split.rule} is used to specify the criteria used
                   to compare different splittings. Here are the available
                   choices. The first one is the default:
                   \item Regression: `"var"` (variance reduction); `"pca"`
                         and `"sir"` can be used for linear combination splits
                   \item Classification: `"gini"` (gini index)
                   \item Survival: `"logrank"` (log-rank test), `"suplogrank"`,
                   \item Quantile: `"ks"` (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test)
                   \item Graph: `"spectral"` (spectral embedding with variance

                   \code{resample.track} indicates whether to keep track
                   of the observations used in each tree.

                   \code{var.ready} this is a feature to allow calculating variance
                   (hence confidence intervals) of the random forest prediction.
                   Currently only available for regression (Xu, Zhu & Shao, 2023)
                   and confidence band in survival models (Formentini, Liang & Zhu, 2023).
                   Please note that this only perpares the model fitting
                   so that it is ready for the calculation. To obtain the
                   confidence intervals, please see the prediction function.
                   Specifying \code{var.ready = TRUE} has the following effect
                   if these parameters are not already provided. For details
                   of their restrictions, please see the orignal paper.
                   \item \code{resample.preset} is constructed automatically
                   \item \code{resample.replace} is set to `FALSE`
                   \item \code{resample.prob} is set to \eqn{n / 2}
                   \item \code{resample.track} is set to `TRUE`

                   It is recommended to use a very large \code{ntrees},
                   e.g, 10000 or larger. For \code{resample.prob} greater
                   than \eqn{n / 2}, one should consider the bootstrap
                   approach in Xu, Zhu & Shao (2023).

                   \code{alpha} force a minimum proportion of samples
                   (of the parent node) in each child node.

                   \code{failcount} specifies the unique number of failure
                   time points used in survival model. By default, all failure
                   time points will be used. A smaller number may speed up
                   the computation. The time points will be chosen uniformly
                   on the quantiles of failure times, while must include the
                   minimum and the maximum.


Number of CPU logical cores. Default is 0 (using all available cores).


Whether info should be printed.


Random seed number to replicate a previously fitted forest. Internally, the xoshiro256++ generator is used. If not specified, a seed will be generated automatically and recorded.


Additional arguments.


A RLT fitted object, constructed as a list consisting

  • FittedForestFitted tree structures

  • VarImpVariable importance measures, if importance = TRUE

  • PredictionOut-of-bag prediction

  • ErrorOut-of-bag prediction error, adaptive to the model type

  • ObsTrackProvided if resample.track = TRUE, var.ready = TRUE, or if resample.preset was supplied. This is an n \(\times\) ntrees matrix that has the same meaning as resample.preset.

For classification forests, these items are further provided or will replace the regression version

  • NClassThe number of classes

  • ProbOut-of-bag predicted probability

For survival forests, these items are further provided or will replace the regression version

  • timepointsordered observed failure times

  • NFailThe number of observed failure times

  • PredictionOut-of-bag prediciton of hazard function


  • Zhu, R., Zeng, D., & Kosorok, M. R. (2015) "Reinforcement Learning Trees." Journal of the American Statistical Association. 110(512), 1770-1784.

  • Xu, T., Zhu, R., & Shao, X. (2023) "On Variance Estimation of Random Forests with Infinite-Order U-statistics." arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.09008.

  • Formentini, S. E., Wei L., & Zhu, R. (2022) "Confidence Band Estimation for Survival Random Forests." arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.12038.